The Act or Process of Supporting a Cause or Proposal
The Causes to Support
- For charter school parents the cause is parental choice in education which provides equitable opportunities for all students to fulfill their individual potential.
- For the charter school community the cause is the ability to ensure the autonomy to create, new, different and innovative learning opportunities, teaching methods, ways of measuring progress and success, and professional opportunities for teachers that lead to greater student achievement and success.
The Causes to support are those that "Unleash education from convention"
The Proposals to Support
- For the charter school community the proposals to support are the public policies that will ensure parental choice, equitable opportunities and resources, and accountability measures that ensure all students have access to quality education opportunities.
- For members of the Association the proposals to support are the public policy positions which are the result of consultation and ratification by the Association's membership.
The Proposals to support are those that "Unleash education from convention"
ADVOCACY Entails the Following:
- Telling YOUR Story - the personal, school and charter school movement stories
- Building Relationships - with community "influencers", local & state officials, and the media
- Political Action - calling or writing public officials, voting in elections, participating in the Association's Charter School Day @ the Capitol
Charter School Advocacy Efforts are designed to "Unleash education from convention"