2010 Charter School Champion - Representative Linda Slocum

Source | MN Association of Charter Schools |
The following is the citation that was read during the presentation of Rep. Slocum's award:
"The Minnesota Association of Charter Schools is proud to recognize your leadership in authoring and championing Minnesota's '2nd Generation' Charter School Law in the Minnesota House of Representatives.
Representative Slocum, an enthusiastic supporter of charter schools, willingly agreed to serve as the chief House author of the Charter School Accountability and Innovation Act of 2009, which was the MACS charter school bill in the 2009 session. As chief author, she shepherded the bill through the committee process and the vote on the floor of the House. Along the way, she facilitated the discussion that led to agreement on the authorizer fee structure that had been a significant remaining issue related to all the reforms regarding authorizers. Within the House DFL caucus, she championed charter schools and the charter school legislation, expending political capital with her colleagues in arguing for not only the wisdom of the reforms contained in the legislation, but for the value of charter schools to the public education system in Minnesota. Throughout the legislative process, she demonstrated service to defending the principles of innovation in education and integrity to concepts that serve as the basis of the charter school law.
So, on behalf of the members of the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools, it is an honor and privilege to call you, Representative Linda Slocum, a Charter School Champion."