Avalon School - Increase Learning Opportunities for All Pupils

Avalon’s Senior Project represents the crowning academic achievement at Avalon. The Senior Project is a year-long, 300-hour independent project that asks Avalon seniors to deeply explore a topic of their choosing. With support, students create a project proposal and gather a committee; work with experts in their chosen field of study who provide support, feedback, and resources; and share their findings in a 30-minute presentation each May.
The Senior Project is Avalon’s way to add meaning, relevance, and engagement to students’ work. It allows students to explore their passions, while practicing some of the most important skills required of life beyond Avalon: students must communicate well, collaborate with others, solve problems, and direct their own time. Senior Projects often involve career exploration, informational interviews, and internships, and can often help students begin to examine that ever-daunting (and too-often ignored) question: What do I want to do with my life?