Sojourner Truth Academy - Create New Professional Opportunities for Teachers

Teacher Leader Teams drive and operate STA’s academic program with fidelity. Teacher Teams analyze instructional gaps; research best practice; develop, implement, and train teachers on school-wide learning profiles. Profile fidelity and academic performance data inform on-going professional development and instructional program decision-making. Fifty-three percent of STA teachers hold leadership positions and teacher retention has reached 92%. As measured by the new ESSA accountability system, NorthStar, STA is no longer in the bottom 10% of Title I schools in Minnesota. Our achievement in three of the four indicators, progress toward English language proficiency, academic progress and consistent attendance, met statewide targets. We surpassed our 2017-18 math growth goal and the state average in attendance. At the close of 2017-18 STA went from a priority school to a support school.