Kevin Krieg
Relicensure Committee - Administrator

Kevin Krieg is an educator in every sense of the word. He encompasses all aspects of education from his Masters of Arts in International Conflict Analysis and Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education to his licensures in Administration, English, Political Science - Terrorism/International Politics, consulting, negotiations, STEM/Global leadership, Project-Based Learning, and Curriculum writing. His professional experience includes time on the local, national, and international levels. Kevin has trained teachers in ESL/ELL methods, developed curriculum for diverse student needs, created interventions /credit recovery classes, incorporated technology for individualized education plans, developed a project-based learning/hybrid school model for advanced, college-bound, and/or hands-on learners, worked with refugee families integrating cultural practices to meet academic, social, and health needs, served as juvenile detention instructor, worked in leadership at a district level, and more. Kevin’s path has led him to places within the United States as well as China, Belgium, Britain, South Pacific, New Zealand, and Australia. As one views his education, licensure, professional experience, awards, and accomplishments, it is easy to see that Kevin is an advocate for both children and adults. His life reflects a history of kindness, compassion, and caring for all those with whom he interacts. Kevin exemplifies a passion for meeting the needs of all by using innovation and creativity to provide an education platform that welcomes a variety of learning styles. Riverway Learning Community has found a leader dedicated to growing the school community in unique ways, a leader who finds out of the box solutions for a high needs, multidimensional student body.